State Quarterly Wage Listing
The new concurrent program 'State Quarterly Wage Listing (Enhanced)' is delivered to provide multiple options for producing output when filing quarterly wage reports to the state (or multiple states). The current SQWL report produces one output file containing all GRE's or FEIN's. This works fine for states that accept the data on magnetic media such as CD or DVD. However many states provide or mandate electronic or internet-only filing and many only allow or support one GRE to be filed at a time. In the past, if you had more than one GRE operating in one or more of these states, you had to manually manipulate the output file in order to be able to submit the report to the state. The enhanced SQWL report will provide the following options which will allow you to meet the various filing methods required by the different states:
- All GRE's - output file per GRE: Choose this option if you want to run the SQWL process for all GREs at one time and produce a separate output file per GRE. The process will internally derive all eligible GRE's and will spawn child (or individual concurrent) SQWL processes to produce each GRE-specific output file.
- Single GRE: Choose this option if you want to run SQWL process for a specific GRE.
- All GRE's - single output file: Choose this option if you want to run the SQWL process in the existing format which produces one single output file with the data for all GRE's without any GRE level breakup.
- The following parameters are mandatory:
- State
- Quarter
- Report Output
- Government Reporting Entity
- Format
- Transmitter GRE
- The following parameters are not mandatory:
- Create Audit Report
- Establishment Hierarchy
- Hierarchy Version
The new concurrent program has the parameter 'Report Output' to facilitate the above options.
You enter the following parameters before submitting the new SQWL process:
The 'Government Reporting Entity' parameter will be enabled when the user selects the Report Output as 'Single GRE'; otherwise it will be in disabled mode.
The 'Format' parameter LOV will not display any value if you attempt to re-run the same SQWL process without running the Rollback process for the previous run. You must roll back the earlier process if you want to run the SQWL process again for the same State, Quarter, GRE and Format.
To be able to run the SQWL process for a GRE, the following criteria must be met:
- The SUI Account Number in Work Structures > GRE > Others >State Tax Rules contains a value.
- The GRE is not defined as a 1099-R GRE.
- The GRE must have valid payroll runs during that quarter.
Note: If you use a custom request set, do not use the old SQWL process (State Quarterly Wage Listing) as it will create inconsistencies in the system which will result in data corruption. Going forward, customers must use this new concurrent program for SQWL reporting. The existing SQWL process will be used internally to submit the SQWL process for each GRE by the main concurrent program and will no longer be available to customers in the SRS.
A new concurrent program, 'Rollback US SQWL Process' has been created to roll back the earlier SQWL concurrent processes. The new SQWL Rollback process rolls back all the GRE-specific SQWL child processes (one spawned for each GRE) when you choose the parent SQWL process id to roll back. It can also be used for rolling back individual child processes by providing a single child process id. When you select the child SQWL process to roll back, and it is the only child process remaining from the original run, then the parent SQWL process will also be rolled back.
The report type for the new concurrent program is 'SQWL_PARENT' and you can identify the Parent SQWL process with this report type in the View >Payroll Process Results screen.
Note: You cannot delete the parent SQWL process as long as there are child SQWL processes present. The delete button is enabled for the parent process only when there are no child processes present. The delete button is always enabled for the child processes.
--SQWL Balance Value
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai, apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER') ssn,
FROM hr_tax_units_v
WHERE tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id) gre,
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai, apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_PER_LAST_NAME')
|| ', '
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai, apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_PER_FIRST_NAME')
|| ' '
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai, apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_PER_MIDDLE_NAMES')
) employee_name,
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_SUI_ER_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_QTD')
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_SIT_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_QTD')
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
FROM apps.ff_archive_items fai,
apps.ff_database_items fdi
WHERE fai.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
AND fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
AND fdi.user_name = 'A_SIT_GROSS_PER_JD_GRE_QTD') sit_gross
FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa, pay_assignment_actions paa
WHERE ppa.action_type = 'X'
AND ppa.report_type = 'SQWL'
AND ppa.effective_date = '31-MAR-2015'
AND ppa.report_qualifier = 'NY' --ME State
AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
select * from pay_us_srs_retry_rollback_v psrv
WHERE psrv.process_type = 'X'
AND psrv.effective_date
between trunc(to_date('2015', 'YYYY'),'Y') and add_months(trunc(to_date('2015', 'YYYY'),'Y'),12)-1
AND psrv.business_group_id + 0= :P_BG_ID
AND ( psrv.report_type in ('SQWL','SQWL_PARENT'))
(select null
from pay_assignment_actions paa,
pay_action_interlocks int
where psrv.payroll_action_id
= paa.payroll_action_id
and paa.assignment_action_id
= int.locked_action_id)
and psrv.payroll_action_id not in
(select 1 --nvl(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('TRANSFER_PARENT_PAYROLL_ACTION',ppa1.legislative_parameters), -1)
from pay_payroll_actions ppa1,
pay_assignment_actions paa1,
pay_action_interlocks int1
where ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
and paa1.assignment_action_id = int1.locked_action_id
and ppa1.effective_date between trunc(to_date('2015', 'YYYY'),'Y')
and add_months(trunc(to_date('2015', 'YYYY'),'Y'),12)-1
and ppa1.report_type IN ('SQWL','SMWL') )
ORDER BY psrv.effective_date desc,
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